
Showing posts from January, 2020

Opinion: We Have Too Many Gadgets

Remember the good old days when consumer electronics were not embedded into our lives so deeply? One of the craziest things is how recent those glory days are: I’m not talking 50 years ago, but 15 at most. Many households were lucky enough to have just one computer for the entire family. The phones were tiny bricks with small monochrome screens and didn’t do much other than make calls. And most kids didn’t even have one, which was pretty nice if you think about it. Nowadays the situation is different. Bear with me while I list some of the things that most people own: smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart TVs, smart watches, fitness trackers, VR sets, smart home assistants, wireless speakers, cameras…The list could go on and on. And one could argue that such a variety of devices is great. I tend to think the opposite. And because someone has to do it, I’m going to come out and say that we simply don’t need all this stuff. Do you really need a fitness tracker when most of the...